Blue Fridays

President Obama recently referenced diabetes when trying to make a point about something completely unrelated to the disease.

If you go to 100 doctors, and 99 of them tell you have diabetes, you wouldn’t say, ‘Ah, that’s a conspiracy. All 99 doctors got together with Obama to keep me from having bacon and donuts,’” he joked. “You wouldn’t do that.”

He basically reiterated the myth that diabetes is caused by unhealthy eating habits.  Bacon and donuts.  Even if he was referring to type 2 diabetes, which can be affected by diet, why is it ok for any disease to be the butt of a joke?  Why would the leader of our entire country throw a comment like that out so flippantly?  It’s irresponsible.  It’s ignorant.  And it’s not the first time.

In June, the CEO of CrossFit posted this image on twitter, causing quite a controversy.  He was barraged on social media for the inaccuracy of his message and proceeded to defend himself anyway.

crossfit coke controversey

And I cannot tell you how many times I have seen this “joke” float around on social media.

AH!  No!  Billy cannot get diabetes from eating 28 candy bars!  If you that is news to you, please take a moment to read these posts about how someone gets type 1 diabetes, and what people with diabetes can eat!  The correct answer to that math problem is 4.  Just 4.  Billy has 4 candy bars, not diabetes!

somee card right 1

It’s confusing to me why it’s alright to make a disease the butt of a joke.  There are no jokes about cancer.  There are no jokes about arthritis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS.  Why diabetes?  I’ll tell you why.  Because it isn’t understood.  People actually think that diabetes is caused by eating bacon and donuts and drinking coca cola!  Diabetes research is underfunded because people think it’d go away with diet and exercise.  Underfunded means my sweet girl, and millions of others, are waiting TOO LONG for a cure!

That’s why there’s Diabetes Awareness Month.  That’s why there’s World Diabetes Day (November 14th).  That’s why I’m going to post and Instagram and blog about it all month.  That’s why we wear blue on Fridays.  Because we need to get some attention on this disease.

Tomorrow is the first Blue Friday of Diabetes Awareness Month of 2015.  We’ll all be wearing blue for Mackenna.  For her Uncle Josh.  For her friends from camp.  Because we love them.  Because we’re committed to correcting misconceptions and educating whoever will listen.  Because the world should know the truth about their disease.  Because we need a cure!

Will you wear blue on Friday with us?  If you post a picture on social media, use the hashtag #onfridayswewearblue and I’ll be sure to show it to Mackenna.

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