Song week continues! If you are just joining me today, be sure to hop over here and see what song I wrote about first this week. So the second song I wanted to share with you is “Lord, I Need You” by Matt Maher. Take a listen to it and then I’ll let you know […]
Category Archives: Life with type 1 diabetes
During the days and weeks after Mackenna’s diagnosis, friends and family members would shoot me messages saying, “I heard this song and thought of you guys.” It happened more than a few times, so I started to compile a list of their songs. Eventually I made a disc of them and it’s almost always playing on […]
Managing type 1 diabetes is tricky business. Together with our medical team, we have a target range for Mackenna’s blood glucose (BG) set at 90-150. If her BG goes lower than that, she can experience symptoms of hypoglycemia like dizziness, blurry vision, weakness/fatigue, difficulty focusing. In order to combat a low BG, she needs to […]
You are worried. You are scared. You are overwhelmed. But you need to know two very important things. First of all, you can do this! Yes, you. This new life of counting carbs, keeping records, injections, infusions, finger pokes, pharmacy trips, calls to insurance. You can do it. You’ll surprise yourself with how quickly you’ll […]