My Baby…can I still call him that?

I hear it all the time. I even say it all the time. It’s cliche, but it’s true.

The days are long, but the years are short.

If you’re a mom with young kids, the first part of that sentence is the reason why we feel ready to go to bed at night before they do.  It’s why we wake up wondering when we’ll get to go back to sleep.  It’s why we have premature gray hair and wrinkles and rarely get regular showers.  The days. are. long!

But would you look at these three photos?  Same baby…same bucket…each taken a year apart.  That is my baby.  My last baby.  I mean, now that he is two, can I even still call him my baby?  (insert sad pouty lip face here)  The last part of that sentence: “but the years are short” is why we take so many pictures.  It’s why we say yes to the request for a 17th story at bedtime.  It’s why we look in on them while they sleep and get so excited when they come home from school.  Because it’s so true.  The years are so short!

Happy 2nd birthday, Lucas!  Mommy loves you.


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