The S Family…friends of gold

I’m so blessed to call these guys our friends!  As I think about what to write here, I keep thinking about that song, “Make new friends, but keep the old.  One is silver and the other gold.”  We have been friends for four years, so a fairly new friendship compared to how old we are…but it seems like we’ve been friends for much longer.  And I KNOW that we’ll be friends for a long time.  So I’m not sure if that makes us silver or gold.  Let’s say gold because gold is more valuable.  😉

They are some of my favorite people ever, especially that beautiful mama!  She’s the kind of friend you can always count on to remember the important things…like your standard Starbucks order.  Because she’s also the kind of friend who will find you sitting in your car in a parking lot (because your toddler fell asleep and you are NOT going to wake him up because…well because, just, no) and deliver Starbucks and donuts.  To your car.  In the parking lot.  If you get a text from her asking, “Where are you right now?” do not ignore it!  :)

But she’s also the kind of friend who says she’s praying for you, and you know that she actually is.  The kind of friend who pours into your kids.  The kind of friend who notices new shoes, does not mind hanging out with you even if it’s been an embarrassing amount of time since your last shower, and counts carbs for your t1d warrior so you don’t have to.  I am a lucky lady to have her in my life.

But enough of the mush…look at their beautiful family!

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